رتبه: Newbie
گروه ها: Registered
ارسالها: 3 مکان: CHINA
Making absolutely no sense, considering the new consoles are literally based on the brand new Zen 2/RDNA 2 architecture that's being released right now with all the Ryzen 5000 series and RX 6000 series. I cometely agree. I made this argument to my own girlfriend RIGHT before my response haha. This makes no sense. Why would you not release an update for PC? EA is truly among the worst businesses of all time. Yal got mods that may make the game better . Yal may be better off with all the modders which treat this as a labor of love. As to madden that simply wants money. Its the same DANM ANIMATIONS. Saw a number of the same animations in the sport they have been using for years. Probably a dumb question but are these upgrades coming to Madden 21 coins the PC version too? I am just bummed because I can not carry my offline franchise information over. I'm in year 7. Player based play calling was in Madden 2001. Then the remainder is"We can not make the game realistic so we are using machine learning to try to get it done while shoving ads for Amazon on your face" I expected nothing and yet I am still totally disappointed. I really want to get back into Madden so awful. I simply can not. Maybe I am biased/bitter because I fell off back together with 16 but for some reason I just can't get back into it. It doesn't look like soccer. Looks pretty neat but I wonder if this game will have any changes to franchise mode. A good deal of these features are involving real life player information so idk how that would effect generated stats and players. Wow. Im really very disappointed. Most of the gameplay shown has the EXACT same cartoons out of madden 20. I could litterally do the exact same things they revealed from the trailer in madden 20. And player special play calling? Its just a old attribute they put back in the game (why did they ever take it outside in the first location?) . Yeah 2k second gen blew this out the water. This would have been a fantastic regular update to get a football match, but for a new generation upgrade this is pathetic, particularly in contrast to what NBA2K is doing. The RFID/Next Gen Stats thing is the only new feature that looks like anything, and even that is likely gonna get mangled from the animations anyways. Sounds too untrue. It is probably gonna be nothing noticeable while playing. I can not get hyped. I really won't. The fact that the game comes from 2.5 weeks and EA was willing not to buy Mut 21 coins provide a hands-on preview is terrifying. NFL games are performing that"Next Gen Forged" and monitoring for perhaps 2-3 years to my knowledge as they broadcast it during matches. And this is only now to be executed to make players seem"more authentic" and"true to life".
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